Thursday, February 6, 2014

Hwaseong Fortress

Last weekend, when Jihyeon's mother wasn't stuffing me with food during the Seollal celebrations (lunar new year), I had some time up my sleeve to visit Hwaseong Fortress

Hwaseong Fortress is in the center of Suwon not far from the KTX station and the bus terminal, so it's pretty easy to get to. It was built in 1796 by King Jeongjo of the Joseon Dynasty to house and honour the remains of his father Prince Sado, who was locked alive inside a rice chest by his own father after failing to obey the command to commit suicide.

We arrived late in the afternoon and set about climbing the mountain. By the time we got to the top the light was fading fast, and the temperature was dropping quickly. I (I should say we since Jihyeon was with me) managed to hold out long enough to get these shots before getting confused about what bus to catch home. 바보

I definitely recommend visiting here at night. The whole wall is well lit and looks amazing at night. I can't wait to visit again when I have some more time and it is a little warmer. 

The view from the top of the mountain was good. The sky was clear and there were no trees obstructing the view. In the picture below you can see a string of lights snaking its way through the city. That is actually the fortress wall being lit up at night. 

A lookout tower. 

A nice shady place to rest when it is hot. 

The path back down the mountain. 

A small gate on the top of the mountain. 

Stairs which follow the wall down the mountain. 

More stairs down the mountain. You can see the one of the main gates to old Suwon city at the bottom of the hill . 

And this is the main gate you can see side on in the photos above. 

Like I said, I definitely recommend visiting here at night. I can't wait to visit again when I have some more time and it is a little warmer. 

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